Episode 4

Published on:

10th Nov 2023

Episode #4: Dr. John Witcher: Why We Should Be Skeptical of the Current Health Care System

Dr. John Witcher, MD, was successfully treating COVID patients with safe and effective medications but was fired from his hospital position for not following the official protocols and mandates that deprived patients of health freedom and  were not in the best interests of his patients.  He then ran for Governor of his state. Although he did not win in the primary election, he has continued to be active in the fight for health freedom and truth about what is going on in health care.

Dr. John provides an inside look at some of what goes on in the health care system that should make many patients question what their health care providers are recommending, and suggests some of the questions patients should ask their doctors.

The video format of this episode can be found at: https://rumble.com/v3ux5fy-episode-4-dr.-john-witcher-why-we-should-be-skeptical-of-the-current-health.html

00:00    Opening question and guest intro

01:57    Dr. John’s background, treatment of COVID patients, and why he was fired from his hospital position as director of an emergency room .

04:09    How he continued to help his patients after being fired

06:10    Why he decided to run for Governor               

11:30    How did we get to the point of not trusting the health care system? What changed? And where are we headed?

13:38    Why patients should be wary of the AMA (American Medical Association)

16:54    What patients should know about how the current system is run. Problems with socialized medicine and the false premise of the “collective” worldview.

23:50    Leaders of the “collective” worldview and the Chinese model and the need to fight against it

28:20    The 1903 Thomas Edison quote about the “doctor of the future” and how the system went in the opposite direction

29:25    More allopathically trained doctors turning to natural remedies. The wealthy elites' resistance to naturopathic doctors and Rockefeller’s admission of conspiracy

33:08    What advice would you give to patients about dealing with their own doctor’s recommendations?

36:34    Any benefits of the COVID shots for anyone of any age? Is COVID really a threat?

40:53    Certain problems with hospital protocols

43:05    Who should we believe and trust and who shouldn’t we?

45:25    Closing advice – being prepared for the future and how do we know whom we can trust. What questions should we be asking our doctors?

 49:10    Risks of childhood vaccines

Dr. John Witcher’s resources and contact info:



Sally Saxon’s website: www.SallySaxon.com

Click on the big red button on the homepage to see what resources are coming up and you can sign up to be notified when they become available.

The book written by Sally in collaboration with Dr. Deborah Viglione, MD and Dr. James A. Thorp, MD, and endorsed by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH and other physicians and experts, The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond . . . What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0985818069 (link for U.S. customers)

Email: sally@AstoundYourselfPodcast.com

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About the Podcast

Powerful Stories of Changing, Overcoming or Doing What Seems Impossible
Is there anything in your life that seems beyond your ability to change, overcome, or to do?

This weekly show offers inspiring interviews with people sharing extraordinary stories or lessons about overcoming adversity, remarkable personal transformation, amazing athletic or other accomplishments, or exciting miracles that God is doing today. They will inspire and empower you to break through your own perceived limitations to experience greater joy, fulfillment, confidence and impact, regardless of your age or circumstances.

The theme of this podcast was inspired by words attributed to Thomas Edison: “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”

Your host, Sally Saxon, is a retired attorney, a daring Baby Boomer, and an author, speaker and coach. She went from not being able to walk more than 100 yards at a time (due to incapacitating pain) to finishing more than 100 half marathons and 10 full marathons within 6 years’ time – all while in her 60’s!

Whether a challenge you want to conquer is one you chose to take on or an unwelcome one that just showed up in your life, let the adventure of conquering your mountains begin!

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Sally Saxon